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A service of the Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR), openICPSR is a self-publishing repository for social, behavioral, and health sciences research data. openICPSR is particularly well-suited for the deposit of replication data sets for researchers who need to publish their raw data associated with a journal article so that other researchers can replicate their findings. (Source: OpenICPSR website)
General information
Type of service: Repository
Service homepage:
Provider: Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research
Provider homepage:
Provides end-user support: unsupported
Administrative information
Data curation strategy: Self publishing repositoryMetrics: Usage statistics
Funding source: University of Michigan
Intellectual property: Depositors select from a variety of licenses to distribute their data, including Creative Commons licenses and a Public Domain Mark. More information in the FAQ:
User agreement: users downloading openICPSR data agree: 1) To not use the datasets for investigation of specific research subjects, except when identification is authorized in writing by ICPSR; and 2) To make no use of the identity of any research subject discovered inadvertently, and to advise ICPSR of any such discovery. (
Target group
Target audience(s): Faculty of Social and Behavioural SciencesStage in research process: After, During
Costs: No costsClassification of the service
Confidentiality classifications for data: Internal / Restricted, PublicAdditional information
Additional information: This ressource is listed in the international repository of repositories
Accepted metadata formats: Dublin Core; DDIAccepted file formats: All formats
Supported data type(s): Other, Raw data, Scientific and statistical data formats
Maximum size of data: 2 gb; up to 1000 files and folders per depositVersion management: unsupported
Quality control: unsupported
Access requirements: Open; restricted accessTools/Interfaces for access:
Supported type(s) of persistent identifiers: DOI