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DataFirst is a research data service dedicated to giving open access to data from South Africa and other African countries.
General information
Type of service: Data storage
Service homepage:
Provider: University of Cape Town
Provider homepage:
Provides end-user support: supported
Administrative information
Data curation strategy: All datasets deposited with us undergo quality checks to confirm the accuracy and usability of the data. Anomalies in data files and documents are corrected in consultation with data depositors. Errors and corrections are recorded as Data Quality Notes in the metadata provided with each dataset.
Funding source: University of Cape Town, Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research
Intellectual property:
User agreement:
Target group
Target audience(s): Faculty of Archaeology, Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs, Faculty of Humanities, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Science, Faculty of Social and Behavioural SciencesStage in research process: After
Costs: There is no charge you to deposit your data with use for sharing on our open data portal or in our safe room. We do provide further services for which there is a fee, including: (i) Data cleaning (ii) Creation of user documents, e.g. user manuals, analytic notes (iii) Publication of your data from a page branded with your logo (iv) Regular reports on how your data is being usedClassification of the service
Confidentiality classifications for data: Internal / Restricted, PublicAdditional information
Additional information:Formats
Accepted metadata formats: DDI - Data Documentation InitiativeAccepted file formats: DataFirst accepts data files in all formats, but preferred formats for data files are Stata and SPSS. Data deposited in other formats will be converted to our standard formats.
Supported data type(s): Raw data, Scientific and statistical data formats, Structured text
Maximum size of data:Version management: supported
Quality control: supported
Access requirements: Restricted, registration, openTools/Interfaces for access: Web-interface
Supported type(s) of persistent identifiers: DOI
Long term guarantees: An archival version of all iterations of each dataset is retained by DataFirst. Archival copies are securely preserved and migrated as technology changes, to ensure they are always accessible.TDR certification(s): CoreTrustSeal