
Last updated: .

4TU.ResearchData is an international data repository for science, engineering and design. Its services include curation, sharing, long-term access and preservation of research datasets available to all researchers everywhere. 4TU.ResearchData offers training and resources to support researchers in making research data findable, accessible, interoperable and reproducible (FAIR).

General information

Type of service:
Service homepage: https://data.4tu.nl
Provider: 4TU Federation and hosted by TU Delft Library
Provider homepage: https://data.4tu.nl
Provides end-user support: supported

Administrative information

Data curation strategy: To ensure the completeness, accuracy and usability of the metadata, all deposited datasets undergo the following metadata quality checks: completeness of required and optional metadata, documentation, links to related materials, file format, privacy issues.
Metrics: 4TU.ResearchData can provide information on usage rates.
Funding source: TU Delft Library, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven Library & Universiteit Twente Library
Intellectual property:
User agreement: https://data.4tu.nl/s/docs/terms-of-use.pdf
Contact: researchdata@4tu.nl

Target group

Target audience(s): ,
Stage in research process:


Costs: Free up to 10GB. Additional data is € 4.50 per GB. 1TB for free for researchers affiliated at 4TU.

Classification of the service

Confidentiality classifications for data: ,

Additional information

Additional information: https://data.4tu.nl/info/about-4turesearchdata/policies-guidelines


Accepted metadata formats: DDI - Data Documentation Initiative, DataCite Metadata Schema, Dublin Core, RDF Data Cube Vocabulary
Accepted file formats: Preferred file formats: https://data.4tu.nl/s/documents/Preferred_File_Formats_2023.pdf
Supported data type(s): , , , , , , ,


Maximum size of data: Researchers may upload the data (up to approx. 10 GB) themselves, using the upload form, datasets that are larger or consist of different parts that need to be linked are uploaded together with a 4TU.ResearchData employee. For the transfer of large datasets, you can use our FTP server, SURFdrive (only for Dutch higher education institutions) or an external hard drive.
Version management: supported
Quality control: supported


Access requirements: Closed, restricted, embargoed, open
Tools/Interfaces for access: Web-interface
Supported type(s) of persistent identifiers:


Long term guarantees: 4TU.ResearchData will preserve and maintain access to your data for a minimum of 15 years, and can provide information on usage rates. https://data.4tu.nl/s/documents/4TU.Preservation_Policy.pdf
TDR certification(s):