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MycoBank is an on-line database aimed as a service to the mycological and scientific society by documenting mycological nomenclatural novelties (new names and combinations) and associated data, for example descriptions and illustrations.
General information
Type of service: Data storage
Service homepage:
Provider: The International Mycological Association
Provider homepage:
Provides end-user support: supported
Administrative information
Data curation strategy: Nomenclatural experts will be available to check the validity, legitimacy and linguistic correctness of the proposed names in order to avoid nomenclatural errors; however, no censorship whatsoever, (nomenclatural or taxonomic) will be exerted by MycoBank.Metrics:
Funding source: International Mycological Association,
Intellectual property: BioAware shall beat no responsability for the accuracy or quality of information or other results (The Information) obtained through its provision of the software, nor the use or misuse of any information by any user of the information, unauthorized use of any information protected by intellectual property rights.
User agreement: The user acknowledges and agrees that BioAware is merely permitting access to the information supplied throught the software, and that the user is responsible for the accuracy, truthfulness and all other matters relating to such information. Further, the user acknowledges and agrees that the software is subject to interruption from time to time and the user's information may not be accessed by its intended user.
Target group
Target audience(s): Faculty of ScienceStage in research process: After
Costs: FreeClassification of the service
Confidentiality classifications for data: Internal / Restricted, PublicAdditional information
Additional information:Formats
Accepted metadata formats:Accepted file formats:
Supported data type(s): Images, Other, Plain text, Scientific and statistical data formats, Standard office documents, Structured graphics
Maximum size of data:Version management: supported
Quality control: supported
Access requirements: Open, embargoedTools/Interfaces for access: Web-Interface