
Last updated: .

ZENODO builds and operates a simple and innovative service that enables researchers, scientists, EU projects and institutions to share and showcase multidisciplinary research results (data and publications) that are not part of the existing institutional or subject-based repositories of the research communities.

General information

Type of service:
Service homepage: https://zenodo.org/
Provider: CERN
Provider homepage: https://home.cern/
Provides end-user support: supported

Administrative information

Data curation strategy: Zenodo helps researchers receive credit by making the research results citable and through OpenAIRE integrates them into existing reporting lines to funding agencies like the European Commission. Citation information is also passed to DataCite and onto the scholarly aggregators.
Metrics: Zenodo tracks two types of evens: - Visits to a record page. - Downloads of a file.
Funding source: https://about.zenodo.org/infrastructure/
Intellectual property: By uploading content, no change of ownership is implied and no property rights are transferred to CERN. All uploaded content remains the property of the parties prior to submission.
User agreement: https://about.zenodo.org/terms/
Contact: info@zenodo.org

Target group

Target audience(s):
Stage in research process:


Costs: Content may be uploaded free of charge by those without ready access to an organized data centre

Classification of the service

Confidentiality classifications for data: ,

Additional information

Additional information: https://about.zenodo.org/policies/


Accepted metadata formats: DataCite Metadata Schema, Dublin Core
Accepted file formats: All files formats
Supported data type(s): , , , , , , , , , , ,


Maximum size of data: Total files size limit per record is 50GB. Higher quotas can be requested and granted on a case-by-case basis.
Version management: supported
Quality control: supported


Access requirements: Open, closed, restricted - registration, embargoed
Tools/Interfaces for access: Web-interface
Supported type(s) of persistent identifiers:


Long term guarantees: All formats are allowed - even preservation unfriendly. We are working on guidelines and features that will help people deposit in preservation friendly formats.