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A free and open platform for sharing MRI, MEG, EEG, iEEG, and ECoG data.
General information
Type of service: Data storage
Service homepage:
Provider: Stanford Center for Reproducible Neuroscience
Provider homepage:
Provides end-user support: supported
Administrative information
Data curation strategy:Metrics:
Funding source: National Science Foundation, National Institute of Drug Abuse, Laura and John Arnold Foundation
Intellectual property:
User agreement:
Target group
Target audience(s): Faculty of Humanities, Faculty of Science, Faculty of Social and Behavioural SciencesStage in research process: After
Costs:Classification of the service
Confidentiality classifications for data: Internal / Restricted, PublicAdditional information
Additional information:Formats
Accepted metadata formats: ABCD - Access to Biological Collection DataAccepted file formats: OpenNeuro only accepts data in the Brain Imaging Data Structure (BIDS) format.
Supported data type(s): Archived data, Images, Plain text, Raw data
Maximum size of data:Version management: supported
Quality control: unsupported
Access requirements: Restricted, embargoed, openTools/Interfaces for access: Web-interface
Supported type(s) of persistent identifiers: DOI