Leiden University ResearchDrive

Last updated: .

A working group cloud storage service to securely store, synchronise and share files from various external file systems, such as local file servers, SURFdrive, Dropbox, and Google Drive, whilst accessing the total environment from one common workspace.

General information

Type of service: ,
Service homepage: https://universiteitleiden.data.surfsara.nl/index.php/login
Provider: SURF
Provider homepage: https://www.surf.nl/en/research-drive-securely-and-easily-store-and-share-research-data
Provides end-user support: supported

Administrative information

Data curation strategy: None
Metrics: Unknown
Funding source: Leiden University
Intellectual property: Leiden University
User agreement: Service agreement with Leiden University.
Contact: b.van.dijk@issc.leidenuniv.nl

Target group

Target audience(s): , , , , ,
Stage in research process:


Costs: There are costs associated. Please contact your IT contact person for details.

Classification of the service

Confidentiality classifications for data: ,

Additional information

Additional information:


Accepted metadata formats: All metadata formats
Accepted file formats: All file formats


Maximum size of data: Virtually unlimited
Version management: supported
Quality control: unsupported


Access requirements: A ULCN or a ResearchDrive local account.
Tools/Interfaces for access: Web, ownCloud app, webdav clients like Cyberduck.


Long term guarantees: Disaster recovery.