J: Research data (bulk storage)

Last updated: .

The Research data drive for bulk storage is hosted on the infrastructure in the data centers of Leiden University, and integrated with all kinds of facilities of the University.

General information

Type of service: ,
Service homepage: https://www.staff.universiteitleiden.nl/ict/ict-workplace/hardware/storage-and-data-recovery/
Provider: ISSC
Provider homepage: https://helpdesk.universiteitleiden.nl/
Provides end-user support: supported

Administrative information

Data curation strategy: None
Metrics: None
Funding source: Leiden University
Intellectual property: Leiden University
User agreement:
Contact: helpdesk@issc.leidenuniv.nl

Target group

Target audience(s): , , , , ,
Stage in research process:


Costs: There are costs associated. Please contact your IT contact person for details. Standard fee is 420 euro per TB.

Classification of the service

Confidentiality classifications for data: ,

Additional information

Additional information: See also https://www.staff.universiteitleiden.nl/ict/ict-workplace/hardware/storage-and-data-recovery/service-units/administration-and-central-services


Accepted metadata formats: All metadata formats
Accepted file formats: All data formats


Maximum size of data: Bulk storage is available per terabyte (TB).
Version management: unsupported
Quality control: unsupported


Access requirements:
Tools/Interfaces for access: Folder on computer.


Long term guarantees: “Snapshots” are made every 4 hours for a period of 7 days. To recover older data, submit a request to the Helpdesk to recover files or folders from the backup. This backup has a history of 5 weeks.